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Will this work on Windows 7 32bit?


It should! It's a 32bit build and Windows 7 shouldn't be any issue.


AYO!!!! This game gave me the hebeejeebeez!!! Cant wait for the next one. Was definitely worth more than the asking price!!!


This was a really really cool piece that for me went from liminal horror through to psychological horror the more you played. Really creepy, loved it!

chefs kiss😂 loved it



whats the soundtrack? I would like to know the name of the song that plays on the radio and where i can listen to it

Lots of great creepy moments, and spooky atmosphere


This was a great game! I did wonder whether the gas station setting was getting a bit overdone, but this provided a scary experience 🙂

Check out my video.


Awesome game! This game really did send chills down my spine, especially when you are having to crawl through the tight areas. However, I do wish the pacing of the game was made a bit more obvious. There were some portions where I got lost. Also, in some areas, the music was just exceptionally loud, especially the radio. Other than that, this game was an absolute masterpiece.


W game

Nice game !

Happy New Year man! I included this game in my Top Ten 0f 2022 round-up. Night Stop starts at 4:34

I really love your style and I've followed you from the beginning. You have such an impressive body of work! Cheers

it was so scary i turnd my pc of


Great Game! I was on the edge of my seat the entire time.  I did run into a Bug stopping me from continuing the game. BUT after getting a hold of The Dev. He fixed the problem SUPER quickly. I APPRECIATE the effort and the Fix. 




this game was so fun and creepy! i was unsettled the whole time. the music was great too! here's my playthrough 


omg i love this kind of aesthetic


As soon as I see that symbol painted on the wall in the restroom...I tell you guys, I will go find another gas station. I can hold it a bit longer, alright?!

Keep up the good work Jonny!


Extremely scary. Love it!

That was so good and so scary,i really really liked it!!


10/10 Was definitely creeped out lol. Good game I thoroughly enjoyed it.


was so good , and actually very very creepy!!!

All I wanted to do was get gas... lol GREAT GAME 


Very good game. It spooky


This game was a lot of fun! I'm really sorry, but I found a glitch in it. I really enjoyed the balance of colors, the drastic change in music, and the overall atmosphere of the game! 

Thanks for playing and for letting me know about the bug. I've put an update out that should hopefully fix it.

Alright, thank you so much!


Loved "Slide in the Woods" and I loved this one. The game is very unsettling and creepy. The sound design was great and managed to jump scare me more than once. I hope you make more games~
(1 edit)

I personally like this type of old-school VHS horror games. It's classic, but still very creepy. Good work. :)

i was really enjoying this game until I got into the back room and had to duck under a box to get an item and couldnt duck underneath it. as if there was an invisible wall. i looked up other playthroughs no one else has this problem. ive deleted and reinstalled and its just not working.

(1 edit)

That's weird. Definitely shouldn't be any invisible walls so not sure what could cause that. Were you able to duck under any of the boxes? There is 3 in total.

So I just ran into the same issue during my recording once you entered the backroom for the first time. The very last box you have to crouch under, to get the bolt cutters. No matter what,  it seems like there is an invisible wall blocking me from crouch walking. I was able to Pass the first 3 with no problem. It's just that the last box was the problem. I reset the game 3 times. I deleted the game and reinstalled it and the Issue still persisted.  

I hope this helps and hopefully I'll be able to finish the game. 

Thanks DrewTheDude

Hey, thanks for letting me know. I'm not able to reproduce the bug but I put a new build out that should hopefully prevent it from happening.

I play a lot of first person games, and yet for some reason this made me feel motion sickness. it's a shame because you created a really great atmosphere.

Sorry to hear that. Just in case you didn't try already, turning off camera bob and increasing FOV may help.

I didn't know that that I could do that, thanks for letting me know.


Did you try turning off the head bobbing? Not sure if it would help but, I find that type of motion makes me dizzy so I always turn it off if possible.


Excellent Game! Looking forward to more games from you

As a native Hoosier, I can confirm this game is  100% accurate simulation of Indiana.  


Wow this game is creepy! That weird ending was great too. I loved it. Totally worth the money. Thank you!


NIce work as always 

Full Play NO Commentary 


This was so much fun! I loved that it heavily relied on the tone, sound effects, and atmosphere and not jumpscares to make it creepy and scary! It really paid off! Such a fantastic job!




So scary!!

Man, it freaked me out!!

I played it translating to Japanese:)



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