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Nice Game Jonny without the H. Hope to see more by you in the foreseeable future homie!


This game actually scared me ngl 😅 I wish it was longer though.



a good game a little short but this good I recommend it


10/10 very spoopy




That was horrifying, I loved it!


This game was great. I loved it. It was spooky and I liked the ending of it chasing you. Good job! 


comic monster


Great game! Absolutely terrifying. I struggled to keep my heart-rate steady.


Love This Game, very creepy, good story, and this Game is one of the games can make me scream like a Man !!

this was the most scary game i have ever played in my life


Is this based on true story?


Hey man, great game, the scares got me good.

If you liked this video check out my channel!

short but awesome.

feel free to check my video out guys  :)

(2 edits)

Super creepy ->

This was so good and creepy and had me on edge especially after you see it the first time!

This was amazing! I love how you set up the way the game progresses! It's so fun and so creepy! Definitely didn't expect the chimney! Great job!

Best Horror Christmas game I have played so far

Good game.

Really great short horror game! Had me on 10 toes the whole time lol.

Great work

Made a video

Well done, my friend. Interesting game, done well, and a great ending!

(1 edit)

Wow, great game!

oh my god i'm so scared 

done downloading


oh it's 64bit dosen't work for my system

Hey, sorry about that. I uploaded a 32bit version let me know if it works for you.

(1 edit)

thanks it's worked now i'll give it a try

oooooh i loved it it's soooo scary

i wish the game is longer. i love it. the gameplay is amazing and the ending spooked me out AHAHA 

same reaction lol

pretty decent little game. i felt a tad more could have been done besides just reading a page and walking into a "spoopy trigger" but for what it was i got a little startled 

AMAZING. Starts at 16:55.


The game was alright. It set up its tension right. I only wish that it was longer, but for what it was, it was solid.

An enjoyable game! Oh, how I wish he had picked a different book to read...


Great game. Lots of buildup and a terrifying monster, all in 2 weeks. Very impressive.

Just amazing, really short game but so good, the models are really nice, especially the monster :) It was the perfect atmosphere build-up. I loved playing this and most of the time folklore legends horror games are really good. 

Even though not everybody will agree to this, I think allowing more exploration in the other rooms would have been more interesting, but it is not such a big deal since it isn't really necessary to go in all the rooms.

Good job Jonny, another great horror game :)

Deleted 350 days ago

I updated my profile with it.

great game!


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